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Nobody Wants To Work Tho Episodes


Meet Michael Glassock, a former finance professional turned life coach in the bustling streets of the United Kingdom. Inspired by his own journey of self-discovery, Michael is on a mission to guide individuals towards their true paths. Michael navigates the complexities of life, helping people uncover their passions, overcome obstacles, and find fulfillment on their unique journeys. Join him on a quest to unlock the full potential of every individual he encounters.

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Alternate Titles For The Algorithm:
BritCoaching Chronicles: A Man’s Journey to Inspire Change
London Luminary: Tales of Transformation with a UK Life Coach
Mindset Mastery: A British Life Coach’s Odyssey
From London to Legacy: The Life Coach Diaries
Coaching Britannia: Unleashing Potential in the UK
The Gentleman Guide: Navigating Life’s Challenges, UK Style
Empire of Empowerment: A British Life Coach’s Rise
Tea and Transformation: A UK Life Coach’s Podcast
Across the Pond Coaching: Inspiring Stories from the UK
The British Coach’s Blueprint for Success
London Luminary Lounge: Conversations on Life and Coaching
Elevate Your Life: A British Life Coach’s Wisdom
Beyond Borders Coaching: A UK Perspective
The Covent Garden Coach: Transformative Tales from the UK
Thames Triumph: A Life Coach’s Journey in the UK
The Buckinghamshire Breakthrough: UK Coaching Stories
Mindful Manchester: A Life Coach’s Guide to Well-Being
Wise Whispers from Westminster: A UK Life Coach’s Insights
The Peak District Pathfinder: A British Life Coach’s Adventures
Leeds Luminary Lessons: Life Coaching in the Heart of England

Show Notes

[00:00:00.740] Speaker 2: Hey, you all. This is your host, Elyse Robinson with the Nobody Wants to Work, though podcast, season 2. I hope the stories inspire you to switch careers. I have done all kinds of interesting things in my life, and I’m a firm believer if you only live once. Sit back and enjoy. We are Switch into Tech. Tech resources to accelerate your career in information technology. Monthly classes on tech topics. We offer free or discounted exam vouchers, scholarships, free Udemy courses, free events, free boot camps, and more. You can find us at www. Switchintotech. Org. Hey, this is Elyse Robinson with Nobody Wants to Work, though, podcast. Today we have Michael Glassick. No, Glassick. That’s good.

[00:00:54.210] Speaker 1: I love it, Elyse. I tell you what- And he’s going to introduce himself so I can quit butchering his name. I love coming on these podcasts, and I love talking to American people because it’s a joy to hear how they pronounce my surname. But yeah, I am Michael Glassick. I am a Career and Confidence Coach, and I will talk a lot more about what that involves in the practicalities. But thank you so much for having me, Elyse. I appreciate it.

[00:01:23.840] Speaker 2: All right. I guess, who are you? What do you do? What is a career A career confidence coach.

[00:01:33.040] Speaker 1: Yes. Yeah, absolutely. So who am I, I suppose? So first and foremost, I’m a husband and son. That’s how I see myself, first and foremost. But in terms of my professional life as a career confidence coach, and I’m sure we’re digging into why I ultimately ended up here. I didn’t always do this and I didn’t start in this place. And there are some very personal and professional reasons for why I’m here. But my sole job and the purpose and the energy I have every Every day when I wake up is to inspire people to do what inspires them. And that is the thing that drives me and gives me energy and motivates me. I truly believe in a world that’s so full of hate, that if we can have more people doing what inspires them, we’d live in a much more caring and compassionate world. If I can even live a small ripple effect on that, then I’ve done my job and I can go to bed when I hang up my boots at the end of my life, at the end of my day as a happy man.

[00:02:30.460] Speaker 2: You said a lot because before we had this conversation, I told you that I’ve always loved tech, but the industry is just ill. They don’t want people that look like me in the industry. This is not even any part of the question. How do you try to coach people and you know that they don’t fit the mode? We can do extreme example of, Oh, I’m 5'4, but I want to be an NBA player or a football player. Or, I’m not the best-looking person. I don’t fit the mode of the typical model. Or somebody that… I don’t know. I’m given physical stuff, but how do you rectify that when you do your career coaching? You just know that you You’re delusional.

[00:03:32.170] Speaker 1: For me, and I will push back a little bit, at least, I think, on this is, first and foremost, who am I to say who is delusional and who’s not? By saying I’m someone who’s delusional, what set of rules am I basing that on? As you quickly said that to me, because I knew exactly what I was going to answer when you started that question, I just googled the shortest basketball NBA player, and I’ve got a chap that’s come up as Mugsy B who’s 5'3. There’s another person who’s 5'3. There’s another person who’s 5'4. There’s about 10 different people, the shortest basketball player. Now, I know I’m saying it a little bit in jest, but I truly think beyond that, for me, and this with a constant underlying factor that I always fall back on because there will be hard times. You’ll be silly to think there won’t be. It’s always what’s the why? Why are you doing this? Are you doing this to appease your friends? Are you doing this to appease your family? Are you doing this to please society’s aims and I suppose beliefs on what you should do with your life?

[00:04:36.390] Speaker 1: If you are, maybe I would have a bit of more of that challenge. I wouldn’t definitely call them delusional, but I would definitely challenge them more. But if there’s a stronger why, and I can see it in the souls of their eyes when they speak to me, then who am I to dissuade them and call them delusional? Because it’s happened in the past, and even if it hasn’t happened in the past, who used to say they aren’t the first person to do it? For me, it’s a lot around coaching. For me, it’s around my own self-awareness, around my limiting beliefs and my restrictions, because I can only take someone as far as I’ve gone. And if I have those restrictions in my beliefs and what you can or what is and isn’t possible, then how will I truly be serving someone with those restrictions and those beliefs? So for me, the answer to your question per se for me is, what is the why behind this? And if I’m happy with that why and I’ve pushed someone to get to a why where you can see it’s soaring out of their eyes, then who am I to say they’re delusional or whatnot?

[00:05:38.940] Speaker 2: You’re right. I’ll agree with that.

[00:05:44.490] Speaker 1: I hear a bop.

[00:05:46.350] Speaker 2: Here’s another example. This was a couple of years ago. I was living in Mexico or whatever. There was this Facebook group I was part of, and there was this lady, she came on there, and she She said that she had two kids, and one was still under six months, so it was fresh. She said she wanted to move to another country, and she basically said that the IRS took her tax refund, but she got a couple of dollars saved up or whatever. I told her, I said, Look, ma’am, when you move to another country, especially a so-called shithole country, there is no welfare, there’s no support services. When Especially when you’re not a permanent resident or a citizen. You can’t just move somewhere all willy-nilly and expect, if something doesn’t work out, they’re going to help you and take care of you. I said, You have two kids. You got to plan this out very carefully so therefore, you’re not over there suffering. Because people get in their mind that it’s so easy to move overseas, it’s cheaper, and all I got to bring is $5,000 or insert number here, and I can figure it out when I get there.

[00:07:02.340] Speaker 2: And she cussed me out, right? Because I’m a realist, and I’ve done this. And I’ve also seen people fail at it. So I’m trying to save her the heartache and trouble, make her think. But people were silently messaging me saying, Hey, I didn’t want to say it. People are scared to say it, but you’re right. So I guess my next question is, how do you deal with people that don’t want to listen to common sense, I guess it is, and work around that? Do you cut them as a client? What do you do?

[00:07:47.760] Speaker 1: Absolutely. So I mean, firstly, thank you for sharing your personal story about that person. And I think what will perfectly cover this is for me, a coach, and this was very What much instilled in me when I did my initial coaching training with the ICF, was a coach does three key things, like a trifecta. So they guide, support, and challenge people to ultimately reach their goals. Now, that support is that cheerleader. You have that friend who always says you can do everything no matter what. So even if the odds are stacked against them in that situation you gave, they just, Yeah, you can do it. The yes men, perhaps. The guidance is obviously supporting someone on journey. Perhaps you’ve done the move yourself. You have moved abroad. You have a bit of insight, a bit of experience that you can share with others to help guide them on their own path. But then most importantly, I personally think is the challenge. So even how I slightly push back a little bit with yourself in terms of that delusional piece, I think it’s acting from a place of integrity and challenging someone from a place of love and not from a place of I know it all and I’m telling you what to do.

[00:08:55.960] Speaker 1: But if you challenge someone and you do it from a place of love and you already have a sense of rapport and trust built with that person, for me, it can only lead it to a positive space. Now, I will do that from the beginning. I jump on a call with someone throughout the whole coaching journey with them. And I have people, and I am very choosy with the people I work with because a coaching relationship, I suppose, the key difference, I would say, very quickly. Therapy works on the past and how it affects you to your present day. Coaching works on where you are on your present day to achieve your current goals. And it’s what we call an equal A mentoring relationship. And mentoring is something where, say, you’re an account intern, someone’s a chartered accountant. A mentor tells you what to do. Take this exam, take this path, take this ACA or this CEMA in terms of to do your charter journey. A mentor tells you what to do. Now, I’m not saying one is better than another, but I share those differences because different mentors, therapists, coaches can perform an amazing results depending on the situation of the client.

[00:09:59.090] Speaker 1: So for me, when I I have that initial coaching conversation with someone, I’m very clear on what I do. I’m very clear on the challenge. Then when people put their idea across of what the goal they want to do, I will challenge them. If there is not that chemistry, one of two things, I say, Look, please book a consultation call with another coach. I might not be the best person for you. But equally, I will also say maybe a therapist or a mentor is what’s best for you in your current situation. I hope that answers your question to a certain degree because the challenge is incredibly important. If you just say, yes, you’re amazing, you can do everything, you’re lying to that person. If you’re lying to someone, are you actually truly serving them? In my opinion, no.

[00:10:40.930] Speaker 2: Basically, what you’re saying is, I need to stop making definite statements and do questions instead.

[00:10:48.130] Speaker 1: I suppose with me, I will often answer with a question more than an answer. When I say more, I mean almost 90% of the time. Because even the fact you’re a question in a coaching conversation, obviously not in a podcast situation. Why are you asking that question? Are you seeking my validation on the answer? Yes, I can make you feel good and say, Yeah, that sounds great. But what happens in a week’s time when you’re on your own? So for me, humans, it sounds cliché, are capable of far more than we can ever imagine. You shared a bit of your personal journey with me, which I think is truly inspiring. And if you were to look back five years, do you think you truly thought you’d done all the things you’ve done today. There’s no way in hell I could have done all these things. But your resilience, your grit, whatever you want to call it, your values have held you to achieve so many magical things in the past five years. Who’s to say what you can’t accomplish in the next five years? And for me, how can I be the judgment or the ruler to put preconceptions on other people?

[00:11:51.690] Speaker 1: What I can do is I can challenge someone, but I’m in no state to say this is possible or this isn’t.

[00:11:57.780] Speaker 2: No, I agree with that. No, I’m a bad motherfucker soul.

[00:12:02.350] Speaker 1: No. Amen. Yes, you are, at least. Like I said, we were sharing our stories. We were sharing our day. We went live. I think you lived a hell of a life and you can teach some people I agree.

[00:12:17.070] Speaker 2: I can’t wait until… I’m 40, so I can see what else I do. But at this point in my life, I’m like, I’ve done a lot. How can I top that? I’m like, What else can I do to top It’s funny that you say that because I was talking to a therapist when I was going through my home buying process. It was a journey in itself, and I was boom boom crying all the time because I thought it wasn’t going to work. I reached out to a therapist because my family was getting tired of hearing me talking about it. I was like, I need an independent person. But he was basically saying, What are you going to do in the What’s your next goal? And I was like, You know what? I don’t really know at this point. So I guess I have to figure something out because I don’t really have anything at this point. I’m like, I just want to lay around and as me and My sisters, they look ugly. So that’s where I’m at.

[00:13:18.700] Speaker 1: And I suppose on that piece, the word passion, goals, purpose, a lot of these terms get thrown around quite willy-nilly. And I think whenever you hear someone who shares this, always look at the context for why they’re sharing it with you. Are they prying on an insecurity to try and sell you something? Be very wary of the world you live in. But not every single person has one purpose. People have multiple purposes. And the purpose doesn’t have to be as big and Almighty as solving world famine or anything like that. For me, simply trying to inspire people to do what inspires them could be applied to so many different factors. And if I can just do that on a daily basis, whether it’s through my words, through a podcast or through my actions, through the practice I run, that is what gives me energy at the end of the day. And energy doesn’t lie. That pit in your stomach when you do certain things or it’s Sunday afternoon, you’re thinking, Here we go again. It’s back to work on a Monday. Energy doesn’t lie. So for me, it doesn’t always have to be overwhelmingly, I’m going to solve this planet or solve this world issue.

[00:14:24.060] Speaker 1: For some people, it has. You look at past MLK and those who have stood on their shoulders. They’ve done those things. But for me, just at a small, grandier level, if I can serve every day and inspire people to do what inspires them, that is what gives me energy, and that’s what put a smile on my face.

[00:14:41.660] Speaker 2: No, definitely. Getting back to the questions because we even got all the way off topic. All good? I love it. How did you get to this point that you wanted to be a coach? Because no one wakes up when they’re 12 and say, Hey, I’m I’m going to be a coach one day.

[00:15:02.030] Speaker 1: Yeah, absolutely. I think for me, first and foremost, I would say the coaching industry is clearly booming. Every man, wife, and dog is calling themselves a coach, which for me personally, I think it’s only a good thing because I think the more people who can have those conversations and have increased self-awareness is only going to serve a better purpose, especially in a world full of hate, as we discussed earlier. For me, there was quite a personal reason for how I fell into coaching. I wasn’t that 12-year-old, like you said, who woke up and said, Mom and dad, I’m going to be a coach. I’m what you would call a second-generation immigrant. My mom was born in Jamaica, my dad was born in England, in UK. My mom moved to UK and had me in UK, hence being a second-generation immigrant. A lot of things, this is not the sole reason, but a lot of things in my life, I was absolutely spoiled with love, didn’t need or want anything. So I lived a very humble childhood, definitely not poor, definitely not rich. But there was a big drive around that financial security and stability. And funny enough, I actually went to try to aspire to be an accountant.

[00:16:13.450] Speaker 1: So I took account in finance. But very quickly, even in my university degree, swoped to business management. And it’s only with hindsight, I can see my love of people. But at the time, I didn’t twig, still went into financial institutions, absolutely Hated it. Went into a contemporary art gallery. That was where as an Accounts Intern, absolutely hated it. And then finally, fell into what we call the National Health Service in the UK at the NHS. And that’s when I found my home. I was there for roughly six, seven years in operational/project manager roles. So creating massive projects that affect thousands of patients’ lives. And I still have that strong purpose of the NHS of For me, what we call free at the point of entry. So providing health care to those who can’t afford it. And I think it’s a really valuable system. But slowly over time, although I love the purpose of the NHS, my role itself was getting more and more detached from why I joined initially. I was in more and more meetings, speaking all these big fancy words, but not seeing the change that was actually happening. And I could see if I was to continue on that path, I could be a transformation director and earn good money and all the rest of it.

[00:17:29.820] Speaker 1: But But ultimately, I wouldn’t be happy at the core of my soul. That combined, I would say, with my dad receiving a diagnosis for Alzheimer’s, absolutely through my life up in the air. Whether you like it or not, it makes you reflect on a lot of things in life. My dad was only, I believe, 74. He had to be quite late in life, but my dad was only 74 at the time. In the grand scheme of things, that is early. He’s still got easy 15, 20 years of his life to live. So from there, I really reflected on my career, my life, how not this live life like its last day, none of that nonsense. But it did force me to say, if I’m going to be on this planet for another 40, 50 years, by God, I want to actually do something that I enjoy and serves a wider purpose. And that’s when I fell into podcasts, I fell into books. And I used to have to describe who this person is, but they’re so big now. I don’t have to. I listened to a particular podcast by a chap called Stephen Bartlet, so dire of a CEO.

[00:18:30.120] Speaker 1: And he interviewed a chap called Jordan Peterson, and it was all around self-confidence and self-awareness. And from that podcast, that was me. I was reading books. I found coaching, realized it’s basically something I’ve done since the beginning of my days in terms of answering the question with a question, not telling people what to do, and did a coaching course. And then my interest and my curiosity just snowball from there, at least. So hence why I’m here today speaking to you.

[00:18:58.350] Speaker 2: I love that podcast. I don’t listen to all of them, but he put me on to Dame Dash because Dame Dash is Dame Dash. He’s black culture in America, right? And that podcast really touched me because He lost his mother very early and it sent him down a spiral. But yeah, I love that podcast. The latest one I had watched was Busta Rimes, and he’s a big part of black culture, too. But yeah, if anybody I heard of him and watched him, he’s phenomenal. I aspire to be like him when I grow up.

[00:19:37.510] Speaker 1: It’s so funny because when I first listened to him, not like I was his first ever listener or anything like that, but when I first listened to him, he was relatively small. I had to say, Oh, there’s this person in the UK, he’s mixed race, and he’s really good. Whereas now, I don’t have to do any of that. I just say, You know Stephen Bartlet? And they go, Yeah, I know Stephen Bartlet. Because obviously, his message and his story has grown and transcended that he’s absolutely killing it. And good luck to him. So, yeah, I’m not the only one. I’m sure many people have listened to his podcast and gone on to amazing journeys. But that, combined with the Alzheimer’s for my dad, was the catalyst, I suppose, for my career change.

[00:20:17.480] Speaker 2: Got you. Where did you want to be when you grew up?

[00:20:22.860] Speaker 1: So I love this question, at least, because this is the God’s truth, right? I don’t know. And I even had to message my mom. And my mom replied and said, Is this a test? Because I don’t know. So it’s really funny. I don’t remember wanting to be a sportsman. So that’s often what common men may all figures often want to do. I know when I got older, like teenager, I wanted to be a business person. I do remember that. Again, I think linked to that security and stability and the rest of it. But in my earlier She is. I don’t know, really. And what I do know is I love talking to people, and that’s never stopped. And I’ve always been curious. I’ve always been that annoying person that says, why? But why? But why? And it’s like, Oh, this is the answer. You don’t need to know why. But yeah, I think that’s my honest and fair reflection on my childhood. Like I said, I did my research and asked my mom, and she said, No, nothing stuck out. I think it was only when I became more lucky in my teenage years and had a bit more of an understanding of the world, that then a business person working for myself, per se, that’s what started to interest me.

[00:21:37.790] Speaker 2: My nephew said since he was a baby, he wanted to be a police officer. I ask him every year. I’m like, You still want to be a police officer? Yeah, he’s 11 now. I make sure I ask him because I want to be able to prepare him for the future if that’s when he still wants to be and we can get him on that track. But now he said since he was very little, he wanted to be a police officer. He used to tie me up and beat me. So I’m like, Okay.

[00:22:13.360] Speaker 1: You’re getting down some dangerous conversations here.

[00:22:18.070] Speaker 2: Gosh, I’m like, there’s different types of police officers. You can work for the feds as FBI agent or criminal officer. When When I worked for the IRS, there was a lady, and she was really short and stuff, and she was a criminal agent. She would go in there busting doors on people that did financial crimes. She was so sweet, and I never expected her to be that. She was like, Yeah, I used to do that. I’m like, You don’t have to be that type of police officer. There’s other kinds. Let’s see. You talked about the catalyst and what got you interested in that? All these things come at a cost. What did it cost you along the way? Did your family think you were crazy? Did your friends support you?

[00:23:12.530] Speaker 1: I think on the parents’ question, I suppose, if someone truthfully asked me who are my heroes or who did I look up to when I was young, it’s going to make me emotional, actually. But it always is to this day is my parents. I’ve always looked up to my parents of how strong, how resilient they’ve been, especially my mom, bless her in these current days, myself and her caring for my father. And the work ethic they had, my mom isn’t particularly intelligent, and she wouldn’t mind me saying that. But my goodness, she has the work effort to make up for it. And there’s so much… It’s almost easy. If you’re born with talent, it’s almost a shame to waste it. But my Mom, she got every drop out of what she was brought to this Earth by. I couldn’t have a bigger role model with my Mom, to be honest. And my dad, bless him, he started as an appulsturer, so creating furniture and stuff like that with my dad, or my granddad, sorry. He went from there as a postman, so posting stuff to a messenger. Back in the days before computers and sending letters by to banks, to a receptionist, and then to a senior receptionist in a bank in London.

[00:24:36.350] Speaker 1: Hence, his way of talking with people, and that’s fallen down to me, and he’s a judge of character. For me, I had, and even to this day with my wife, bless her, I’ve had so much support on my journey. I think when people can see that you’re doing it from a truthfully authentic place, it’s a lot easier for people to jump onto that journey and support you on your path. Of course, I had to shed a previous identity. I was Mr. Corporate Project Manager, delivering these amazing projects and changing people’s lives and all the rest of it. And a clear shift, the clearest, I would say, was on social media profiles like LinkedIn, because I was badged as this is who I am to connect with others. And over time, I had to slowly unfold that project manager identity and rebuild myself as a coach. And I had people at various, honestly, senior high-level positions question me at my workplace and say, What’s all this coaching lark? What’s all this coaching stuff, Mike, I’m seeing that made me think twice about, Is this the right path? Is this what I want to do? But thankfully, I had my family, my wife, my partner at the time to support me on that journey.

[00:25:52.830] Speaker 1: I always talk about two words, consistency and curiosity. I’m a curious It’s individual, and I will be to the end of my days. But consistency just eats everything for breakfast. If you take small, tangible actions, and I bang on about this so much with the clients I serve, say every week, it’s 52 weeks in the year. If You made one small action every week, just like, my goodness, the change and the growth you can have in a year’s time. And I did that. I made my one small little post on LinkedIn, and slowly I shed the identity of my previous self. And I now have a real amazing network of coaches and clients and people I can fall back on now. So for me, what is courage? It’s filling the fear and doing something anyway. And that is one of the biggest things that I did and got me to where I am today, I would say.

[00:26:44.890] Speaker 2: Did you get your CA?

[00:26:48.510] Speaker 1: My what? Sorry.

[00:26:49.430] Speaker 2: Your chartered accountant?

[00:26:51.170] Speaker 1: No, I didn’t. I didn’t know. I didn’t. I very quickly, thankfully, I dropped from an accounting path to a project manager path. I have Prince 2 and more project management qualifications because that was going to be my corporate route.

[00:27:06.830] Speaker 2: No, I asked because I’m wondering, where did your first client come from? Was it from your background in accounting or did it help?

[00:27:18.710] Speaker 1: Yeah, it’s a good point. I actually coach people in the NHS. I did a multiple group coaching sessions with senior NHS leaders all around emotional intelligence. And so and simply for those who may not know what emotional intelligence is, simplest way I describe it is, what is it like to be on the receiving end of you? That’s what emotional intelligence is. So especially senior NHS managers You think, my goodness, the pressure they’re under in terms of health care is not known for being the most well-funded operation. You’re dealing with trauma and the hardest cases. How can we support our leaders to operate a place of strong emotional intelligence? Because that trickle effect is incredibly important on operational teams. And then ultimately, patient outcomes. Because if you don’t look after your employees, in turn, it often leads to negative effects on the patients, clients, customers, whatever field you’re in. So that was a big piece for me. I served as quite an emotionally intellectual leader in terms of my project manager role. And I think that’s what people knew me as. I was very good at connecting with individuals, even if I hadn’t It’s the first time I met them and serving from a place of love and saying, how can we do something as a collective?

[00:28:36.800] Speaker 1: And I think that shone through. And then as soon as I adopted that coaching role, I think it was a no-brainer for a lot of people. I think some people almost saw it in me before I saw it myself. And they were like, of course, do this workshop for us and help our future leaders. So, yeah, that was one that comes to mind that came from my past life per se, and then helped me into the coaching career.

[00:29:00.880] Speaker 2: No, I asked that because there’s people that I talk to and some of the guests that come on the show, and they’re like, I thought that was a waste during the time that I was doing this, and I wasn’t, I guess, walking in my purpose, what I wanted to actually do. I tell them it’s because that prepared you for where you are now, whether it’s a client or those connections or One thing that helped me when I was an auditor was presentations. Not to say that I was scared or anything like that, but it helped me to talk to people that were equal to me or higher level than me and not see them as, Oh, I shouldn’t say this or I shouldn’t do that. They’re people, too. And to practice I guess people have alter egos. I let my alter ego take place. I guess right now, I’m probably in my alter ego because I’m an introvert. So people think I’m an extrovert, and I’m not. I like to sit at the house. I say that because a lot of people think the things that they do in their lives are a waste. It’s really not.

[00:30:26.740] Speaker 2: Whether it’s resting or you did another career Here for a number of years, it’s never really a waste. Just on that, I think I completely agree with you.

[00:30:39.980] Speaker 1: I think for me personally, I have a faith. Faith doesn’t always have to be a religious constraints. It can be whatever you deem it to be in terms of faith. But I do truly believe everything happens for a reason. And that faith really does serve me in a positive light. Even when my dad had these diagnosis, at the time, I wasn’t operating from this place that I’m speaking now, but it allowed me to move past that. And even though I’m still processing it to this day, and I will to the end of my days, I’m allowed to utilize that as a catalyst that allowed me to put me on this path to then help other people. I think it’s truly powerful to say not to see yourself as a victim and everything you do, the transferable skills that allowed me from project management and from financial administration that I utilize now in this current day is absolutely invaluable. I completely agree. Don’t see as your past time is wasted. There will always be experiences or skills that you can lift out of that that will just prepare you for the future.

[00:31:39.390] Speaker 2: No, definitely. You spoke on something that’s really important, too, is that there’s No coincidences. Whether you believe in a higher power or not, I don’t believe in coincidences. The universe gives you all the signs and symbols you need, and whether you pay attention to them or not, they’re there. When When I do these podcasts, you’ll hear people say over and over again, I saw it, but I wasn’t really paying attention. It was always there, but I didn’t really want to do it right then and there, or this, this, and this, some type of excuse, I guess. Let’s see. You talked about your process on switching careers. Years. What type of certifications did you get? Did you have to reword your resume? How did you convince people to take a chance on you and be their coach?

[00:32:42.480] Speaker 1: Yes, absolutely. I suppose a key thing that I did is even to this day, I split careers, and it’s been really helpful for me. I work at a higher education, so like a university as a careers officer, helping people, grads, post-grads, pursue their careers, post-education. And then I have the coaching practice. And it’s amazing because they both feed into each other. So one talks a lot about what I would call functional recruitment, so how to get the job. And then the coaching side talks about what job, where do I go to find it? It’s a beautiful mix of the two that help each other. But to get to that space, both of those roles that I’m now in give me energy. They actually give me energy. They don’t take energy away from me. I think it’s nothing do with the organizations or whatever I worked at previously. It’s just as I grew more comfortable in who my authentic self was and what gives me energy, you start to realize more and more what takes away from you. But a big piece for me, and something that I bang on about so much in terms of the clients, especially off the how to get a job, was that networking piece.

[00:33:50.330] Speaker 1: So some of the key people I met through LinkedIn, I connected with people. When I did my initial research of what careers complement coaching or what careers at allow you to implement coaching skills on a daily basis, that careers officer role came up at loads at higher education establishment. So I contacted people. So I always talk about trying to get your mentor to be you but five years ahead. So I contacted people who were five years into a careers officer career, met over Zoom, asked about the qualifications they had, the skills they had, the experience they had previous to join in that role. And then I actually got people to read over my CV to help tweak it, to talk about interview questions. The biggest thing for me that I’ve touched on slightly is transferable skills. So your past years aren’t just wasted. You have so much experience. I mean, me, I was recruiting people from the chief executive to cleaners. So when I’m now going into a careers role, I actually have the practical experience of having people sit in front of me, interviewing them, shortlist them through CVs to actually get them to that place.

[00:34:56.300] Speaker 1: So yes, you need a level of theory and theoretical knowledge to be more in a higher education establishment. But I actually had practical knowledge that I was bringing to the table, which you can’t replace, really. So that along with an understanding of the education establishment and the more qualifications that I required or at least needed an understanding about. That put me in a massive place. But the ceiling, the deciding factor for me was when I got to the interview. So all of that helped me get to the interview. But when I got to the interview, and again, I was going to say this, it’s always linking back to this why. I was communicating not just how and how I’ll be a good person in this role, but I was communicating why I was in that interview and why I wanted the job. And for me, and I repeat what I said, I said, I don’t just see you as another notch on my CV or another notch on my career. I see you as an opportunity for me to do what I think I was born to do and ultimately do something that gives me energy.

[00:35:56.660] Speaker 1: Now, you can look at my past career and you can see all the achievements I’ve done that I am proud of, but that was in a place when I was in jobs that were taking energy away from me. Just think what I can do when I’m in a place when I’m actually aligned to what I want to do and I’m actually getting a job that’s giving me energy. For me, the added bonus was I actually When I studied, I studied at this institution, and then I went full circle to actually work at this institution. I said, if you’re not just getting someone who’s going to be doing a job that’s giving them energy and going from this level where I’ve done X, Y, Z, but you’re having someone who’s… When they’re talking to students, they’re talking to people. I’ve been in their footsteps. I’ve gone in the real world. I have eight odd years experience behind me of practical work experience, and I’m now sitting in front of them and telling them what they can do. If that’s not going to inspire the next generation, I’m not sure what is it. It’s hard if you got a 50-year-old old white person sitting in front of you, how can you relate to that person, especially from you and me in terms of our background and our ethnicities?

[00:36:57.470] Speaker 1: Whereas if I look at someone who’s 5, 10 years older than me, that looks like me, that speaks like me, I’m much more likely to listen to them. And then they’re much more likely to give a shot and give me a go.

[00:37:11.420] Speaker 2: No, definitely. People are steadily telling me, I mean, you told me that I need to put myself out there more. And I have over the years. Maybe society wasn’t ready for me at the time because everything has to literally line up. But yeah, like you’re saying, someone that looks like you because what if someone wants to go study overseas or One thing that I did was I went to Guatemala outside of Mexico to learn Spanish because Guatemala is much, much cheaper than Mexico for whatever reason. But I guess when you think of Spanish, you think of Mexico, right? I went to Guatemala for three months and got my Spanish all the way tight or tight enough. And I did a homestay with a family, and I was terrified because I was like, I don’t want to stay with a family. I pretty much lived by myself or a since I left the nest. And so going to stay with some strange family, and there’s other people that I don’t know about, too, staying in this house, that’s terrifying. But then there was, you’re saying, someone that looked like and she was like, Yeah, no, you should do it.

[00:38:33.340] Speaker 2: It was amazing. And I’m like, Okay, I’m going to go do it. You know what I’m saying? And I loved it. I loved it. I loved the three months that I was there. So I got to go back because I got to go see my teacher. But yeah, no, I mean, you’re so right about being somewhere and seeing someone that looks like you and have the same experiences. I mean, it makes everything okay. So, yeah, I’m going to try to put myself out there more than what I already do, but I’m an introvert.

[00:39:11.020] Speaker 1: I’m always mindful of these titles and these boxes. So I would also associate with that introvert label. I’ve spent this whole weekend because I was very self-aware that I’ve been incredibly busy and I needed some time for myself. So I spent this whole weekend just crafting and listen to podcasts on my own and just crafting, literally all day, Saturday and all day, today, apart from meeting yourself, just to recharge my batteries ready for another few weeks, another stent. But that being said, I’m mindful of the label of calling myself an introvert, and I actually don’t do it that much now. Because we often, our mind is incredibly clever, but whatever we say, our mind manifestsates it, and it tries to act our behaviors, our actions, try to align it to what we’re saying. So by I keep saying we’re an introvert, you’re almost limiting your potential on what you can do. So again, I would challenge you, I suppose, at least not to say that’s your fundamentals and how you work, because I completely associate with that, hence having the whole weekend to myself. But I’m mindful now the language, like ADHD, autism, all these terminologies, all these boxes we put.

[00:40:21.330] Speaker 1: I’m very mindful now because what we tell ourselves often becomes true. I think there’s a quote from Mr. Ford, who created Ford, and I think his quote is along the lines. Apologies if I butcher it, but it’s, Those who believe they can’t and those who believe they can are both correct. If you believe you can’t, you probably won’t be. But if you believe you can, you will probably make it true. I think I’ve seen that in my past, and I’m sure you’ve seen it in yours, too. I don’t know.

[00:40:53.890] Speaker 2: I believe in labels. I’m all about labels because I need to know what I’m dealing with.

[00:41:01.190] Speaker 1: For me, again, this is not a coaching conversation. I don’t want to coach unsolicited because it’s a vulnerable space to be in. But I would argue labels give us security and labels give us safety and labels let us know the boundaries that we’re operating in. But you don’t show me like someone that likes to operate within boundaries. You know what you want. From what you told me earlier, you know what you’ve always wanted to do, and you’ve done it. Why let someone’s boundary, most importantly yourself, get in the way of that?

[00:41:37.120] Speaker 2: Boundaries for everyone else, not for me. Because I’m going to do what I want to do. But I like labels because like you’re saying, you operate within these boundaries, what to do, what not to do, and things like that. I totally agree with that. You got to remember that I studied accounting, so everything has boundaries. There’s rules and regulations to everything. I operate in that a lot. Rules for thee, not for me.

[00:42:07.230] Speaker 1: Yeah. And again, this will be my final comment, and I will sip on this comment, is that that sounds like the story you’re telling yourself. And you’re extrapolating a professional, these are my boundaries. I did a counting, so of course I’m going to be like this. That’s the story you’re telling yourself. So of course it will manifest and be that way. So yeah, you’re right. There’s always regulations. There’s laws. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nuance to everything. But I would always push back a little bit and be mindful of just because I’m an accountant doesn’t mean you have to think a certain way per se. But that’s just me.

[00:42:41.340] Speaker 2: No, I agree with you. And that’s the gray area that you’re talking about. But everything is pretty much black and white. So there’s that. There’s just that one couple of times it’s gray. But I forgot what I was going to say. But yeah, no, I don’t limitations. Everything needs limitations. But again, there’s gray areas. There’s time where there shouldn’t be limitations. But No, it’s not something that I’m telling myself. It’s true to an extent. And that’s that gray area.

[00:43:26.060] Speaker 1: Your laugh says it all, Elyce. I probably stopped zipping, so your laugh says it all.

[00:43:31.260] Speaker 2: It’s true to an extent, that gray area. But no, I mean, I guess my thing with the introvert thing is, is like, I’m not going to reach out to you. You’re going to have to reach out to me because otherwise I ain’t going to be able to do it. That’s the whole thing.

[00:43:52.740] Speaker 1: Do you mind if I ask you a question? Yeah. So I think when you have those presentations and you said previous experience that helped you, we’re speaking to people, regardless of what senior position they’re in, when you first did that, I would guess that you were very confident and that was It made you a bit nervous and made you a bit scared about the situation. You might still be nervous now, but I’m sure you’re a lot more confident when approaching presentations and approaching those conversations. It simply happened because of a consistency of practice and taking small actions. Now, what you’ve just said, yes, that might be your default, and I’m not disagreeing with that. But who’s to say you can’t shift that default with small steps and small actions and adopting a goal around consistency? So it’s not to say every time I have a podcast, every time I’m invited to do something, I’m like, oh, God, here we go. My shoulders go up and I get a bit nervous. But because I’ve done it so many times, it’s just 1% easier. Whereas if I was to do this five years ago, there’s no way in hell you get me up on a mic and speaking about my life and sharing it with others.

[00:45:07.840] Speaker 1: Like I said, with all things in life, there’s nuance. But I think just because that’s your default, it doesn’t mean you can’t change that and take small actionable steps to go to a place where in your words, you’re more extrovert or in your words, more confident.

[00:45:24.220] Speaker 2: No, definitely. I guess, like you’re saying, when I first started as an auditor, I guess it was more so scary because I worked for the military, and I was in military. So my boss is all in my head saying, You’re going to be talking to officers. These people fly planes, and they run squadrons of 300 plus people. They’re super important. Who am I? This little black, skinny, tall, ball-headed woman. I’m like, 24. Coming in there trying to tell an officer what to do. I guess the thing is that other people put these ideas in your head, and that limits you a lot of times. And then when I got there, I’m like, These people ain’t nobody. I don’t give a dang. If you’re an officer, you fly planes and stuff because the airplane officers, they’re the worst. Let me stop stereotyping. But yeah, when someone gets in your head is really what the problem is. So you got to tune all that out. And that comes with age of tuning everything out. When you’re young and dumb, Everything scares you.

[00:46:48.100] Speaker 1: Yeah. I do agree. I think as we build that self-reflective practice, whatever word you want to call it, that self-awareness, that self-confidence, it often happens with time It can, but it can often happen with big life experiences, I suppose, with myself, that you grow so confident in who you are and how you act and why you act the way you do. And for me, that links to lots of values. And I talk about values as the filter for the decisions you make, rather than just some proxy pieces of words that you have on a piece of paper and you check away. Those are the core elements of your soul, and they act as the funnel for the decisions you make to actually serve a purpose. And I think the more you have an alignment with those values, And then when these little decisions or these little people get in your ear, you’re less likely to be swayed off that path. So I think that’s a testament to your journey as well in terms of where you were and where you are now. But at the end of the day, everyone’s human. And most importantly, everybody is suffering with something that we’re not aware of.

[00:47:50.380] Speaker 1: Might be small, might be big, but every single person in this world has a challenge or is suffering something that we’re not aware of. And I think the more and more you can act from a place of empathy and love, knowing that, not saying it’s easy, people still cut you up and annoy you and all the rest of it. But the more and more you can align to that place, life becomes a whole lot easier.

[00:48:11.020] Speaker 2: No, definitely. What are some positives and negatives of your new career?

[00:48:19.580] Speaker 1: I think the positives are quite obvious. I think it truly gives me more energy. And I think it can be addictive, so I have to be wary of this. But seeing the light bulb moment in someone’s eyes is absolutely magical. When you ask that question, it doesn’t have to be a complex question. It’s often the most simplest questions. When you ask it and you see someone, they’re looking and thinking, Oh. They’re thinking, Oh, that story that I’ve told myself, you completely debunked it. And it’s like, Now what am I going to do? The whole world is open to them because they’re limiting themselves in that I think providing those light bulb moments for people and allowing them to move past their previous challenges just fills my soul up so much. It’s the most important thing that I do and what gives me so much energy to continue on this path. So that for me, fulfill, whatever word you want to align to it, that is what gives me so much joy and is the biggest positive I could take away from it. The negative, per se, and I, as a coach, suffer with the word or struggled with the word failure or negative because I just…

[00:49:34.160] Speaker 1: And you might think it’s cringe or cliché or those are listening, but I’ve trained my brain so much to see things as opportunities to learn that I struggle to even interpret the word failure. But for me, knowing what I know now, it’s a hell of a ride. I know 5% of the things I knew a couple of years ago, and I still know only 10% of what I need to know in terms of running a practice Just serving people, the different tools and techniques I can utilize, how I can help someone in three sessions rather than six sessions. I’m constantly on this journey. But lying in back to that value, it’s like a strong value for me is lifelong learning. And that’s whether it’s with a sport. I love playing golf because I literally can’t be perfect. Every day I play golf, I improve or I learn something new. So even the negative of being naive to the journey I’ve had to overcome to just get to here, and I’m not even 5% along the way. For me, it just excites me because, I mean, for me, you could argue what is life. I think for me, it’s just to learn, evolve, and experience the joy as that life brings to us.

[00:50:46.740] Speaker 1: For me, what a journey I’m on, running a practice, helping people. There’s so much inner work I have to do and learn to then serve other people. Is it a negative or is it actually the best blessing I could ever receive?

[00:51:01.100] Speaker 2: No, it’s funny to me that you mentioned the failing and then learning as a negative because I’m one of those people, if I fail, it’s like, Okay, well, the cliché, the song, Dush yourself off and try again. I’m not dead. I didn’t hurt anyone. I didn’t hurt myself. Might have wasted a little bit of money, maybe a lot of money, but I’m still here. Absolutely.

[00:51:31.050] Speaker 1: And maybe that waste was actually, again, maybe that waste was an investment. Maybe by doing that, you’re investing in a mistake to make you learn something. So the rest of your life, you act a different way. So, yeah, Like I said, some people roll their eyes and I’ve been there. Don’t get me wrong. Five years ago, I’d be rolling my eyes a lot of things. But it’s a journey we all go on. But the more and more you embrace that, like lifelong learning, I suppose, it alleviates a lot of stress in life because you think, I either do what I want or I learn. So I win either way. Of course, it doesn’t mean you act from a place of ego or a place of like, I don’t have to try, but it definitely alleviates a lot of stress and then alleviates a lot of the concern of changing careers and that confidence piece as well.

[00:52:19.800] Speaker 2: No, I find that people are scared of people that can dust their self off and try again. Because I hear it all the time like, Oh, I really couldn’t have done that. You just keep going. And it’s like, What other option do I have? I don’t want to be homeless and starving. You know what I’m saying? So what you’re telling me is that you You’re going to be homeless and starving? That’s what you’re telling me? I run into that a lot of where people don’t know how to deal with the person that just let the punches roll off of them or whatever like that. I don’t know what question I’m trying to ask is that as someone that walks that walk, do you find that, too?

[00:53:15.100] Speaker 1: Yeah, as in, so I’m definitely not scared of, I suppose, afraid or scared of people who roll with the punches, per se. But I suppose I learned from my experiences I think for me, I think that person who might be afraid and thinking, There’s no way I can get to a place where Michael is or wherever it is. I’m not perfect, and I never will be perfect in my entire life. Perfect does not exist. When you look at people who are deemed as a success, whether it’s in society, business, whatever realm it is, I always say, Show me a man’s success, then show me his learnings. Because Because if a man is successful, I want to see his learnings that have been before him. You look at a lot of these business owners. These are third, four-time, lucky people. Don’t get me wrong, the quarter of people who are success, and it booms unicorn businesses on their first try. But a lot of these people have learned their mistakes from multiple businesses, and then they craft that knowledge and craft those learnings and then launch their fourth or fifth business, and then it kicks off and then it explodes.

[00:54:26.460] Speaker 1: For me, when someone says, Look at this person’s success, for me, I study their learnings. And it’s exactly the same with me. Please don’t, I’m not saying you would be, but don’t be afraid of the manner I speak or the place I operate from and you feel that you can’t get to that place. Be very aware of the learnings and what you may call the failures that I’ve been through, because that is only what’s allowed me to operate and come to this place I am now. And my goodness, there’s going to be a lot more learnings, and there’s going to be a lot more failures on this journey that I’m on. And I can’t wait for them because they are just a journey. They are present, and they are an investment into my future. Without them, I would still operate in my little box that I was a few years ago.

[00:55:09.080] Speaker 2: Definitely. I think people miss the growing opportunities that come along with failure and dusting yourself off again. That’s one reason why I listen to the diary of a CEO is because people talk about their failures and you can learn from them. I don’t understand why a lot of people are scared to talk about their failure, that’s number one. Number two, try to act like they didn’t have any failures. It just hit all of a sudden. And funny, before I started this podcast, me and my friend, we actually were going to start a podcast about entrepreneurship journeys and talk to people about their entrepreneurship journeys because I don’t think there’s anything out there like that. There’s There’s books. I’ve read books about it, but that’s about one single person, usually. But that didn’t jump off. If someone ever starts a podcast about the entrepreneurship journey and the failures, I’ve watched interviews about people that got off of drugs and their journeys and people that went to prison and their journeys because I enjoy stuff like that because it’s constant learning and you should want to watch things like that so you know what to do, what not to do, as my mother used to say, reinvent the wheel.

[00:56:45.870] Speaker 1: At its deepest core, it’s real. That’s what it is. That’s what I suppose I love, and that’s why I’m attracted to it. With that journey or that podcast that you’ve imagined, nothing. It’s the reality of people’s lives. And again, in a world where there’s lots of false stories and people build themselves to be something, false personas build themselves to be something that they’re clearly not, to share a bit of reality, to share vulnerability. At the end of the day, we are humans, and that is probably the biggest way we connect with others for a sense of vulnerability and a sense of reality and practicality. So, yeah, no, I couldn’t agree with you more.

[00:57:28.820] Speaker 2: All right. What What are some traits that you believe that someone would be good as a coach? I ain’t going to be no coach because… Well, somebody told me that I could be a coach because I’m a direct coach, but they said some people would pay for it. So I’m going to be the abusive coach.

[00:57:48.900] Speaker 1: I’m not going to lie, I’ve never heard of that tagline, the abusive coach. I’m not sure that will stick. But I mean, everyone in this world can be a coach in their own right. For me, pardon me. For me, I think it’s one thing to enter an industry. It’s another thing to master it. For those who are worried about transitioning careers, and again, there’s nuance, there’s balance, I understand. But it is incredibly easy to transition and enter careers. It’s more the self-talk, the identity, the confidence piece around it that stops us from doing so. But to master a career And when I say master career, I mean master career in your own right, in your own eyes, not master career. Master career means I have to be a billion pound business or anything like that. That for me is another level. And my naivety was a great factor and a great trait to being into the place I am today. I was thinking about this. I was thinking if I knew all the work I had to do, would I have still taken this path? And I absolutely I would have. It makes me almost laugh because I think if most people are honest with themselves, they’ll say, Absolutely not.

[00:59:08.040] Speaker 1: All this hassle, all this effort. But for me, the amount of learning I’ve gained on this journey has just been invaluable. For me as a coach, I would say, having such a strong alignment to my values has allowed me to be so clear on my why, and that has been the single biggest factor for why I got into coaching. Very quickly, my values are fulfillment, freedom, integrity, and lifelong learning. So fulfillment, very easy. To serve people, to inspire people, to do what inspires them, for me, there’s not many more fulfilling things that I could do in my life. Freedom, I could coach. I’m speaking to you in Ohio from UK. I can coach from anywhere in the world. And if I do it well and I committed to my craft, it will invest me or give me a level of financial security, which is incredibly important for me, my family, and my children to give them what I think is most important, and that’s experiences in life, not materialistic possessions, but experiences in life. Integrity. There’s a lot of people I think that I love the fact the coaching industry is growing and booming because I think so many people could benefit from these conversations.

[01:00:16.050] Speaker 1: But for me, to operate from a place of integrity when you’re putting someone in a vulnerable state and they’re sharing their opinions, they’re sharing their past, their trauma to a certain degree, to not serve from a place of integrity is truthfully unlawful and unmoral. Integrity is incredibly important for me. Finally, that lifelong learning. I will never be a perfect coach, and that excites me. I could be 80, coaching one day a week, and that is my goal, and I will still learn things from the clients I serve. Now, for me, once I talked about values being a filter for the decisions I make, because I have such a strong conviction on those values and I’ve had to go through coaching, I still have a coach myself. So my action is a bit louder than my words. I still have a coach to this day. Because I have such a strong conviction on my values, that’s been the biggest trait for me to understand my why and why am I doing this? Why am I actually doing coaching? So when I go through those challenges, I can then overcome them. I’m not like, you know what?

[01:01:12.670] Speaker 1: I can’t be bothered. It’s too much. So For me, that alongside a constant mantra of curiosity and consistency, I will always be curious. What may change in five years? I don’t know now, but I will know in five years because I’ll always be curious. And that constant level of consistency, taking small actions every week, every day, every month will ultimately align me and put me in that positive direction. So if I can do that, and if you can do that, whatever field you want to do and have that alignment and strong conviction in your values and your why, there is nothing that will not stop you.

[01:01:49.520] Speaker 2: No, I totally agree. You mentioned integrity. And I’m thinking, does that mean not going to tell someone’s business? Because my sister’s in health care, and so she’ll message me, We’ll be at one o’clock in the morning. She’s like, Oh, my God. Somebody came in here and they’re doing this, this, and this. I’m enjoying all of it. But she’s not naming names or anything like that. But if you had a famous client or somebody like that, you can’t go tell their business.

[01:02:31.210] Speaker 1: Absolutely. I think an integrity… The words I use are important for me, but I think it’s choosing the right word, semantics. Sementically, choosing the right word for you that means something to you. It could be honesty, could be transparency, whatever it is. Just integrity is the word that’s so important to me. I have a close circle of friends. Your friends are the family you choose. Integrity is one of the biggest factors in that. Seeing someone, the actions they take, like you said, the clients I serve, not sharing people’s stories. Just serving from a place that’s morally found in myself. And that’s why me personally, I find unjust situations incredibly triggering. And that’s, again, another little way that you can find your own value. If you have that incredibly strong sense, that pit in your stomach when something happens, that is often pointing to a core value. And that when I first encountered that, suppose, value and integrity, that’s exactly what happened. A lot of things happened in front of me that I didn’t feel very comfortable with. And even if it put me in a negative situation, I would speak out about them. And that’s when I had a strong indication of what that value was.

[01:03:41.350] Speaker 1: And then through coaching, I could then come to the place now where I can actually articulate and verbalize it. But if you have that strong sense of that strong gut reaction to something, I would argue nine times out of 10, that’s pointing towards a core value for you. And that’s not to say values can’t change. They often don’t change a month to month, not even year to year, but they are things that will change over time and most definitely will change after big life circumstances as well.

[01:04:08.990] Speaker 2: You need to give me some core values. I’m going to have to think about that. Mine is yellow.

[01:04:14.030] Speaker 1: Yellow? What does yellow mean to you?

[01:04:18.480] Speaker 2: You only live once. That’s my core value. Oh, yellow.

[01:04:21.630] Speaker 1: I thought you said yellow.

[01:04:24.100] Speaker 2: Yeah. No, yellow and nothing is promised. But that comes back from I’m 30, and my mother passed away at a young age. So that stuck with me for a number of years at this point because I’m like, I’m going to do it. Absolutely. Can’t be scared out here. I’m going to do it. I guess this is the last question because we already talked about tips and tricks of getting into the career. What would you tell someone who wants to career switch just in general?

[01:05:03.200] Speaker 1: Career switch in general. For me, it’s two things. It might be even three things. The first one is, you are capable of more than you can ever imagine. If you truly think back to five years ago in your life and where you were and what you’ve accomplished in that time, I guarantee you that person five years ago wouldn’t have thought that was even possible. Now, if that person five years ago didn’t think where you are standing in this current day, at this current minute, as you listen to myself in the least, didn’t think that was possible, who’s to say what you can do? Who’s to say what you can’t do in the next five years in your career, in your life. For me, having perspective and stepping out of that current state and looking back to the past and maybe even looking on to the future, that’s incredibly important. I think that general sense of that why question is incredibly important, especially for the hard times, because you would be silly to think there’s not going to be hard times on your journey. And the stronger that why is, for me, yes, it’s inspired people to do what inspires them.

[01:06:15.110] Speaker 1: But I think even future-wise, there’s a really good exercise I sometimes do with clients called the Gravestone exercise. It’s quite morbid, but it really centers you, and it’s what would you want to be written on your Gravestone? And mine is always something on the lines. Of course, it will change month to month a little bit, but it’s always something along the lines of a caring and loving husband, father, and son that sought to help inspire people to do what inspires them. So there’s always that central factor around family and being that caring husband, father and son, but always serving a wider purpose of trying to inspire people and change people’s paths and serve a purpose that is bigger and wider than me. And that why is so strong in my heart when I think about when eventually I have children and the current family I have and the family I will. It’s been so strong in my soul that when I do have tough times, and don’t get me wrong, I have days, maybe even weeks when I’m low. But ultimately, that why will always pick me up because that is so much stronger than doing something just for me.

[01:07:18.810] Speaker 1: It’s so much stronger in terms of my journey. So the biggest thing for me is understanding, whether it’s through coaching, whether it’s through friends, whatever it may be. But understanding that why, that purpose, whatever word you want to give to it, I don’t care. I suppose understanding that if you’ve done all of this in your past five years in your life and you didn’t think you could five years ago, who’s to say what you can’t do in the next three to five years going forward? So that would be my message to your listeners today.

[01:07:48.330] Speaker 2: Yeah, that’s really deep. I think people need to dig down to the core of their being and, yeah, reflect. Reflect on what they in the past and put that same energy into the next five years. I don’t know if I’m going to do that, but other people shouldn’t.

[01:08:09.080] Speaker 1: Do as I say, not as I do. When you got children, but Thank you so much for having me, Elyce, though. It’s been a pleasure. And thank you for sharing your story as well. Because as I said, I think it’s truly powerful and I think it’s inspirational. And I think the more people that can have that catalyst in their lives, as I said to you earlier, the more caring and compassionate the world can be because it’s like a ripple effect. So all of these conversations, all of these experiences we have, they’re going to ripple onto our family, our friends, our colleagues, our co-workers. So, yeah, I’m very much a realist, but I’m also positive for where the world can eventually go and become.

[01:08:51.640] Speaker 2: Tell people where they could find you.

[01:08:55.190] Speaker 1: Yeah, quite simply, if you type Michael Glasset coaching, so M-I-C-H-A-E-L-G-L-A-S-S-O-C-K Coaching. So Michael Glassack Coaching, you can find me my website. You can find me on LinkedIn at simply Michael Glassack, and you can find me Michael Glassack Coaching on Instagram as well. Those would be the three best places, my LinkedIn, my Instagram, and my website. And it’ll be a pleasure to… You can look at my post and hopefully use my free stuff. Don’t run in and say, I’m selling you this and I need to buy this. Use my free stuff and use other people’s free stuff to make those small steps on your journey. And then if it works and it actually gets you to a place where you have some more money to invest in something and invest in yourself, and you then have confidence in, okay, this this person is the right person for me, then crack on and go ahead, and it’ll be a pleasure to help you on your journey. But for me, it’s not a case of buy my shit, as I say. There’s a lot of buy my shit in this world currently. Use people’s free stuff. Look at the context, look at their bias.

[01:10:01.990] Speaker 1: And if it serves you and you think like that person is a good fit for you, then go on that journey.

[01:10:08.520] Speaker 2: All right, Michael. Thank you all for listening or watching. My name is Elyse Robinson with the Nobody Wants to Work. And until next time, we out.

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Nobody Wants To Work Tho Episodes

Elyse Y. Robinson Elyse Y. Robinson, an enterprising entrepreneur, is the mastermind behind Taxes and Services, a multifaceted holding company that doubles as her accounting firm. Her ventures encompass an array of innovative projects. One of her key initiatives is Switch Into Tech, a dynamic weekly newsletter that doubles as a platform for advertising monthly career seminars, offering weekly tech-related freebies, and promoting her latest podcast episodes of Nobody Wants To Work Tho. Additionally, Elyse shares her insights through her blog at, where she delves into various data-related topics. Her literary contribution includes authoring Nube: Switch Into A Cloud Career, a guide for navigating cloud technology careers. Furthermore, she has established, an invaluable resource aimed at helping individuals avoid college debt. Elyse’s passions extend beyond her businesses; she is deeply enamored with Mexico, has an insatiable appetite for research, and is dedicated to assisting others in transitioning into technology careers.